Solutions Manual for Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen | 6th Edition



Book Details

Elementary Number Theory, Sixth Edition, blends classical theory with modern applications and is notable for its outstanding exercise sets. A full range of exercises, from basic to challenging, helps readers explore key concepts and push their understanding to new heights. Computational exercises and computer projects are also available. Reflecting many years of professors’ feedback, this edition offers new examples, exercises, and applications, while incorporating advancements and discoveries in number theory made in the past few years.

About the Author

Kenneth H. Rosen received his BS in mathematics from the University of Michigan―Ann Arbor (1972) and his PhD in mathematics from MIT (1976). Before joining Bell Laboratories in 1982, he held positions at the University of Colorado―Boulder, The Ohio State University―Columbus, and the University of Maine―Orono, where he was an associate professor of mathematics. While working at AT&T Laboratories, he taught at Monmouth University, teaching courses in discrete mathematics, coding theory, and data security. Dr. Rosen has published numerous articles in professional journals in the areas of number theory and mathematical modeling. He is the author of Elementary Number Theory, 6/e, and other books.

Instructor’s Solutions Manual for Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications ISBN 0321500318

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